The day i dreaded the most arrived!! My Birthday!!

I swore to myself that there won't be any celebration this year. I even planned to get away from town the whole week!! Unfortunately, nothing ever happens as i planned. Thus, my birthday was celebrated as usual.
Mom gave away the surprise by accidentally telling me that she and aunt had already ordered my birthday cake!! I begged them not to but being the only child, i had no choice.
I started the day very auspiciously by following mom to temple. Did all the necessary and went for a light breakfast. Then collected my cake. The twist to this part is, apparently, they ordered half kg of American Choc cake. The night before, 1 of the bakery's "Most Efficient" staff sold off my cake with my name on it to someone else!! So, as a compensation, I was given the 1kg cake for the price of half kg!!
I cut the cake with my loving family members which consists of 3 people only...mom, aunt and cousin. The cake was then divided to those whom i wanted to give. The remainder of the cake however, i saved it cos i wanted to re-celebrate with a few friends later that night. Mom cut the cake in a weird shape as to avoid spoiling the wordings. I ended up wit a very weird shaped cake with my friends.
Nevertheless, my friends and I carried on with the cake-cutting ceremony once again. It wasn't a big crowd there either. Just the 4 of us. We ate and ate and drank a little too. I was more excited with my weekend plans!! Genting Highlands!!
Saturday arrived and i was counting the hours!! Got up early, did my chores and even had a nap!! My bestie gf dropped by for lunch and had to send her to her vacation plan spot!! She was going to S'pore for a week, dropped her at the bus point. Then i was off with the rest of the gang!!
We were to fetch another 2more friends along the way. Knowing their bad timing, we were stuck in the weekend jam. But as we left KL and approached the highway, it was clear. It happened to be a rainy day as well. This people also made 2 pit stops to have their meal!! What appetite!! They even bought beers for the trip!!
As my friend drove up the curvy hill, my stomach started to swirl as well. I got a weakness when it comes to curvy roads. I was distracted though by the scenery as we climbed higher and higher. The greenery and fog or mist, whatever you call it, mesmerized me. Then they stopped at a beautiful theme garden below. It looked very nice with statues depicting Chinese culture, the Pagoda tower, figurines and so on.
After few minutes, we made our journey to the top. I started feeling the coldness of the highlands, i get cold fast despite the size of my body!! I was excited with the theme park thinking that i would have the time of my life! But, i was fooled. The guys refused to bring me there and besides, the tickets were pricey too. So, i was brought to Vegas!! It's the Malaysian version-la!
There are 2 casinos. I was brought to the small one cos according to my friends, the main casino would be crowded. I played the slot machines and watched how people placed bets with their cash as if they were only born to gamble!! I felt very uncomfortable sooner or later. This was cos of the environment. I get claustrophobic and the way everyone was smoking really made me think that all i need is a few hours here to be diagnosed with cancer!! My face was getting pale and i could feel myself swaying, almost to faint. Finally, they decided to leave but made sure i was given some hot drink first.
I was given a short tour of the rest of the place. Then one of the members had a serious nature call. He dropped me and the rests at the outdoors. I loved the chill environment and the fresh air i was getting after coming out of Smoky-Hell! I also saw the whole of KL City from the top of the highlands. Night line view of the city is indescribable!!
We then decided to end our trip with a very scrumptious and grand Chinese style dinner...or supper cos it was already midnight and my hunger was proved by me being silent while eating! We reached home almost 3am cos had to drop off the rests at their homes. I still could feel the coldness of the hills in me. I took a superb hot shower and slept.
Although, I never had the chance to enjoy the games but i felt good that i finally made it to Genting Highlands. Loved the balance of nature and the theme parks. Not forgetting also the casinos! Would love to go there again but this time the games in theme park and staying over is a MUST!!
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