17 November 2009

UPDATES...Belated :P

I'm just gonna do a quick round-up on my super late updates of what i've been up to some time ago. I managed to watch Transformers 2, Night at the Museum 2 & Angels & Demons. Obviously I enjoyed the robots and the artifacts but the puzzle solving adventure was quite a mediocre score for me...or maybe my expectations was too high. Now, i need to reconsider my hopes for 2012.

PLAYBOY had a launching of their new fragrance line in Mid Valley. There were some 'bunnies' modelling their goods :P Jojo Struys was the emcee for them. I was kinda shock to see how really 'small' she is.

I also purchased a book for a real steal!! It was RM5 in Carrefour. But i chose a book about the history of Asia, being a history buff. Someone special gifted me a chic-lit, Singletini; been wanting to get this book badly. It's a story very close to my life crisis as well as my character, a subtle and sane version of Sex & The City.

Then.....oh God I really can't remember what else i did....these are the consequences which I've to face when I don't update my blog!! Lesson well learnt!!

Pics for your kind viewing.....& judging :D